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  • AKB48:2015埼玉演唱会 加入选片库


    分类:MV&演唱会 类型:

    年代:2015 地区:日韩

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:ISO 编码:0

    容量:226.23GB 字幕:无字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:MH-077 人气:364 更新日期: 2021-04-27



AKB48 will release DVD & Blu-ray of "AKB48 Manatsu no Tandoku Concert at Saitama Super Arena", which was held on August 1st and 2nd.
The article contains the concert of both August 1st and 2nd. The 2nd day concert part consists of graduation ceremony of Kuramochi Asuka (daytime), and Kawaei Rina (night time). Special movies are contained in the article; the graduation performance of Kawaei Rina and Kuramochi Asuka, and the video of Oshi-camera of Kawaei Rina.
* Oshi-camera: the camera that features only Kawaei Rina during the concert.
Release Information
"AKB48 Manatsu no Tandoku Concert at Saitama Super Arena ~ Kawaei-san no koto ga Suki deshita~"
2015.11.04 Release
Blu-ray DISC1
2015.08.01 さいたまスーパーアリーナ公演
2015.08.01 Saitama Super Arena Noon Performance
Blu-ray DISC2
2015.08.02 さいたまスーパーアリーナ昼公演
2015.08.02 Saitama Super Arena Noon Performance
Blu-ray DISC3~4
2015.08.02 さいたまスーパーアリーナ夜公演
2015.08.02 Saitama Super Arena Night Performance
Blu-ray DISC5
Making - Bonus movie Kawaei Rina Oshi-camera
Blu-ray DISC6
特典映像「AKB48 川栄李奈 卒業公演」
Bonus movie "AKB48 Kawaei Rina Graduation performance"
Blu-ray DISC7
特典映像「AKB48 倉持明日香 卒業公演」
Bonus movie "AKB48 Kuramochi Asuka Graduation performance"

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