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  • 印度:在老虎的脚步 加入选片库


    分类:纪录片 类型:

    年代:2013 地区:欧美

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:ISO 编码:0

    容量:21.19GB 字幕:无字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:DF011 人气:10 更新日期: 2020-02-18



如果大君在他去世后作为动物返回地球,那么作为老虎,这就是印度人的信仰。 并且几乎没有动物穿过灌木丛比虎更雄伟。 不幸的是,这种奇妙的动物面临着灭绝的威胁。 在世界范围内,只有大约2000个标本生活在野外,其中一些标本位于印度中部高原的Kanha国家公园。 此外,还有轴心,它们是老虎,猴子,野猪,红耳犬,豹子和外来猛禽的天然食物来源。 1955年,该地区成为印度旅行者和动物爱好者的理想目的地,被宣布为国家公园,旨在拯救老虎免于灭绝。 加入我们神秘的印度,和我们一起漫游,作为Rudyard Kipling丛林书的模板
If the Maharajah returned to Earth as an animal after his death, then as a tiger, this is the belief of the Indians. And almost no animals pass through the bushes more majestic than the tigers. Unfortunately, this wonderful animal is threatened with extinction. Worldwide, only about 2,000 specimens live in the wild, some of which are located in the Kanha National Park on the central plateau of India. In addition, there are axes, which are natural sources of food for tigers, monkeys, wild boars, red-eared dogs, leopards and exotic raptors. In 1955, the area became an ideal destination for Indian travelers and animal lovers, and was declared a national park to save tigers from extinction. Join our mysterious India and roam with us as a template for the Rudyard Kipling Jungle Book

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