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  • 瓦格纳歌剧:漂泊的荷兰人 加入选片库


    分类:MV&演唱会 类型:

    年代:2016 地区:欧美

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:BDMV 编码:0

    容量:34.59GB 字幕:无字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:MG104 人气:1 更新日期: 2020-02-04



简介 · · · · · ·
  Filmed at a series of outstanding performances at the Teatro Real de Madrid in December 2016, this recording will especially delight lovers of Wagnerian music drama with its faithful reflection of the grandiose staging of àlex Ollé, a member of La Fura dels Baus, whose earlier productions have attracted widespread attention. A conductor equally at home in Monteverdi, Boulez, Praetorius and Schumann, Pablo Heras-Casado can rely on a cast totally committed to this breathtaking musical hurricane!
  Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro Real de Madrid
  Pablo Heras-Casado, àlex Ollé (dir.)
  Samuel Youn (Der Holl?nder), Ingela Brimberg (Senta ), Kwangchul Youn (Daland), Nikolai Schukoff (Erik), Kai Rüütel (Mary), Benjamin Bruns (Der Steuermann Dalands)

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