
高清电影在线选片-注册成为会员 高清电影在线选片-帮助



  • 万圣节乐队:2019日本演唱会 加入选片库


    分类:MV&演唱会 类型:

    年代:2019 地区:日韩

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:BDMV 编码:0

    容量:62.28GB 字幕:无字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:MH001 人气:388 更新日期: 2020-02-04



Disc 1 - United Alive
1. Halloween
2. Dr. Stein
3. I’m Alive
4. If I Could Fly
5. Are You Metal
6. Rise and Fall
7. Waiting for the Thunder
8. Perfect Gentleman
9. Kai’s Medley (Starlight / Ride the Sky / Judas / Heavy Metal Is the Law)
10. Forever and One
11. A Tale That Wasn’t Right
12. I Can
13. Pumpkins United
14. Drumkins United (instrumental)
15. Living Ain’t No Crime / A Little Time
16. Why
17. Sole Survivor
18. Power
19. How Many Tears
20. Invitation / Eagle Fly Free
21. Keeper of the Seven Keys
22. Mos-Kai-To (instrumental)
23. Future World
24. I Want Out
25. Outro & Credits
Disc 2
1. Halloween 13:35
2. Dr. Stein 05:29
3. Kids of the Century 04:08
4. March of Time 05:27
5. Pumpkin’s Whisper 35:27
6. Bursting Hamburg 01:59
7. The Essential LED Compilation 17:09
8. Seth & Doc, The United Thing 12:04
9. The Keeper’s Journey 01:19

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