出生于中国沈阳,满族人,出生于沈阳一音乐世家,父亲朗国任当时在沈阳空军部队歌舞团任专业二胡演奏员,全家所住院子里都是文艺工作者,每家孩子都学乐 器。在这种氛围下,幼年的郎朗很早的表现出了音乐上的天赋,两岁时看动画片《猫和老鼠》中猫弹奏着李斯特《狂想曲》捉老鼠那段让他入迷,他看完后跑到钢琴 前把那几个音弹奏出来了,让郎父吃惊,当即找来几个专家试郎朗的反应、耳朵灵敏度。在得到几位专家对郎朗音乐天才的首肯后,郎父开始了对郎朗的钢琴培育计 划。郎朗3岁便师从沈阳音乐学院朱亚芬教授学习钢琴,5岁时在沈阳钢琴比赛中获得第一名,并与同年举办第一次公开独奏,7岁第二次获沈阳钢琴比赛第一 名,9岁获全国星海钢琴比赛第一名。9岁郎父辞去工作带郎朗来到北京,考入北京中央音乐学院,师从赵屏国教授。11岁获德国第四届青少年国际钢琴比赛第一 名,并获杰出艺术成就奖。13岁获第二届柴科夫斯基国际青年音乐家比赛第一名(金牌)。同年他应邀与新组建的中国国家交响乐团合作,在开幕式音乐会上担任 钢琴独奏。14岁考入著名美国科蒂斯音乐学院,师从著名钢琴大师院长格拉夫曼。3个月后,与国际著名的 IMG演出经纪公司签约,从此走向了职业演奏家的道路。两年后又签约了世界著名的德国DG唱片公司,成为最受重视的艺术家。
作为当代最令人激动和最富于魅力的钢琴家,郎朗对来自西方古典音乐的诠释得到了全世界乐迷的一致喝彩,而他自小耳濡目染的却是中国的传统音乐,“我出 身在音乐世家,父亲拉二胡,祖父吹笛子,弹琵琶,全家聚在一起的时候,就像开家庭音乐会一样……(专辑里的) 很多旋律,我很小的时候就知道了,我妈妈会唱,我爸爸会演奏,对我而言,那就像童话故事一样。” 成名之后的郎朗肩负起了向全世界推广中国音乐的重任。郎朗近些年一直游说他所签约的DG公司录制中国钢琴作品的专辑,并坚持要在全球范围内发行。《黄河之 子》便是郎朗不懈努力的成果,这也是第一张在全球发行的纯中国音乐专辑。
Title: Lang Lang: Live In Versailles
Release Date: 2015
Genre: Classical
Artist: Lang Lang (piano)
Ever since his first visit to the magical space that is the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, Lang Lang had dreamed of performing there. When his dream came to fruition in the form of a special recital on June 22, 2015 he chose Chopin’s four momentous Scherzi and Tchaikovsky’s rare but masterly cycle The Seasons to present to his audience. A studio recording of the repertoire was made in the Salle Liebermann at the Opéra Bastille and the live concert was filmed in 4K in the Hall of Mirrors for release on DVD and Blu-ray.
The recordings followed an extensive international series of concerts and Lang Lang will continue to tour the programme worldwide this autumn and next spring.
Tchaikovsky and Chopin have both played a major role in Lang Lang’s career to date. When Lang Lang, as a 17-year-old, stood in for an indisposed André Watts at a Ravinia concert with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the work he played was Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto.
If Tchaikovsky has appeared at pivotal moments in Lang Lang’s career, Chopin has been a constant companion: a recital rarely goes by without music by the Polish master on the programme and Lang Lang has already recorded a substantial amount of his music, including the Études and the Ballades (which Lang Lang sees as siblings to the Scherzi).
Lang Lang is a committed advocate of Tchaikovsky’s The Seasons. As he says, “Even though there are not so many notes compared to more virtuosic pieces, the harmony that Tchaikovsky creates within these notes is incredible. His timeless melodies have a kind of pain that he always turns into beauty. He presents his heart, and he holds your heart.”
1 Opening (1:16)
Frederic Chopin (1810-1849)
2 Scherzo No. 1 in B Minor, Op. 20 (11:08)
3 Scherzo No. 2 in B-Flat Minor, Op. 31 (10:55)
4 Scherzo No.3 in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 39 (7:47)
5 Scherzo No. 4 in E Major, Op. 54 (11:37)
6 Applause (0:41)
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
The Seasons, Op. 37a
7 I. January: At the Fireside (5:44)
8 II. February: Carnival (2:57)
9 Iii. March: Song Of The Lark (2:47)
10 IV. April: Snowdrop (3:26)
11 V. May: Starlit Nights (5:30)
12 VI. June: Barcarolle (5:38)
13 Vii. July: Song Of The Reaper (1:19)
14 Viii. August: Harvest (3:23)
15 IX. September: The Hunt (2:35)
16 X. October: Autumn Song (6:09)
17 XI. November: Troika (2:50)
18 Xii. December: Christmas (3:35)
19 Applause (1:40)