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  • Emerson, Lake and Palmer:40周年重组演唱会 加入选片库

    Emerson, Lake and Palmer:40周年重组演唱会(2010)

    分类:MV&演唱会 类型:

    年代:2010 地区:欧美

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:BDMV 编码:HEVC

    容量:38.36GB 字幕:无字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:MB024 人气:263 更新日期: 2018-11-19



爱默生、雷克与帕玛(英文:Emerson, Lake & Palmer,简称ELP)是英国的前卫摇滚乐团,由凯斯.爱默生 (键盘手)、葛瑞格?雷克 (吉他手、贝斯手、主唱)以及凯尔?帕玛 (鼓手)。 在七零年代,乐团曾非常受欢迎,卖出了超过三千五百万张的专辑并举办了几场盛大的演唱会。

音乐类型:前卫摇滚(Prog-Rock)、艺术摇滚(Art Rock)、硬摇滚(Hard Rock)、古典(Classical)
出道地点:英国 英格兰
唱片公司 Manticore,Atlantic,Cotillion,Island,Sanctuary,Rhino,Shout! Factory
乐队成员:Keith Emerson、Greg Lake、Carl Palmer

如万人空巷般的体育场里,三个年青人正在空旷的舞台上卖力的弹奏着改编自古典音乐的作品。看似长发披肩、老成持重的Keith正用疾如风的指法快速地滑过 键盘﹔身材修长、却有张娃娃脸的Greg一面弹吉它一面唱和着﹔短发而显出干静俐落、精神饱满模样的Carl则准确专注地敲击。三种迳谓分明的形象,用各 自擅长的乐器演奏着迥异于原曲的古典音乐,复杂的曲式结构与简洁有力的演绎却还能完美地调和在一块。欣赏他们技术精准而临场即兴的现场实况是每个乐迷所津 津乐道的,在当时的定义中这就是所谓的超级乐团,他们就是七十年代独领风骚的前卫/古典摇滚巨星Emerson, Lake and Palmer。
这一切都要从他们于1969年那个不大寻常的巧遇讲起。话说六十年代中期有个古典摇滚乐团The Nice,当中的主脑Keith Emerson从小即着迷于兼具浪漫乐派与国民乐派风格的柴可夫斯基(Tchaikovsy)与西贝流士(Sibelius),毕生也希望以钢琴技巧高超 有如莫札特(Mozart)第二为职志。在The Nice的第二张专辑Ars Longa Vita Brevis(1968)中,他尝试重新翻奏伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein)所创作音乐剧西城故事(West Side Story)中耳熟能详的插曲America而备受瞩目(据说伯恩斯坦当时对这主意可不表赞同),同年Royal Albert Hall的演出也很成功,提出原始构想的Keith Emerson自此成为镁光灯下的焦点。1969年,以担任前卫摇滚先驱King Crimson主唱并以In the Court of the Crimson King(1969)专辑扬名立万的主音歌手Greg Lake与The Nice的Emerson在英国Croydon的爵士与蓝调音乐季中结识。双方当时英雄惜英雄,决定在音乐会结束后各自离开其原来乐团并t组新团以别苗 头。









Emerson, Lake & Palmer, also known as ELP, are an English progressive rock super group. They found success in the 1970s and sold over forty million albums and headlined large stadium concerts - one of the largest at California Jam (Cal Jam) in 1974 was in front of 200,000 people. The band consists of Keith Emerson (keyboards), Greg Lake (bass guitar, vocals, guitar) and Carl Palmer (drums, percussion). They are one of the most commercially successful progressive rock bands and from the outset focused on combining classical pieces with rock music. The legendary Rock Band reunited to celebrate their 40th Anniversary and headlined London's first High Voltage Rock Festival. This was the historic moment when Emerson Lake and Palmer performed for the first time since 1998. This spectacular performance with extravagant special effects and lighting recaptured the magic and musical genius of Keith Emerson, Greg Lake and Carl Palmer as they performed their greatest hits in front of thousands of fans and leaving a lasting memory of the stunning musicianship of these three legendary performers.

Recorded at High Voltage Festival, Victoria Park, London, 25 July 2010.

01. Karn Evil 9: 1st Impression - Part 2
02. The Barbarian
03. Bitches Crystal
04. From The Beginning
05. Touch And Go
06. Take A Pebble/Piano Solo/Tarkus
07. Farewell To Arms
08. Lucky Man
09. Pictures At An Exhibition
10. Fanfare For The Common Man/Drum Solo/Rondo
11. Brand New Interview By Rock DJ Nicky Horne With Keith Emerson, Greg Lake And Carl Palmer
12. The Emerson Lake And Palmer Retrospective 1970-2010

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