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  • 斯特拉文斯基芭蕾舞剧:火鸟 加入选片库


    分类:MV&演唱会 类型:

    年代:2003 地区:欧美

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:BDMV 编码:HEVC

    容量:13.84GB 字幕:无字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:MD020 人气:1 更新日期: 2018-11-19




     20世纪初叶,俄罗斯著名的芭蕾舞艺术大师佳吉列夫集中了—批著名的俄国舞蹈家组成了“俄罗斯芭蕾舞团”。他邀请了年仅27岁的作曲家斯特拉文斯基为舞 剧创作音乐。1910年,作曲家创作了芭蕾舞剧《火鸟》音乐。1910年6月25日,《火鸟》由俄罗斯芭蕾舞团在巴黎歌剧院首演,引动,使斯特拉文斯基一 夜之间成为具有世界声誉的音乐艺术家。此后,作曲家将《火鸟》音乐编成—部组曲,又在交响音乐舞台上久演不衰。
     芭蕾舞剧《火鸟》的故事取自于俄罗斯的民间传说。讲的是:王子伊万猎获一只神怪的火鸟,又放其归去。火鸟赠与王子一支闪光的羽毛为谢。此刻,王子发现 13位少女在金苹果树下游戏,并爱上了其中一位少女。她们原是公主,是魔王将这些少女囚禁起来,昼禁夜出。王子跟随少女而去,魔王发现,欲将其变为石人。 王子想起闪光的羽毛,在火鸟的帮助下置魔王于死地,少女们终于得救。王子与那位美丽的少女成婚。
     《火鸟》音乐根据剧情进行了巧妙的构思。剧中有凡间与神界之分。作曲家在现实生活情景中运用了自然音阶,以俄罗斯民族风格的曲调勾勒出这个民间故事所发 生的特定的场景。其中王子伊万以及公主们均运用优美流畅的旋律加以刻画。如公主们的轮舞的音调,犹如一曲不经改编的俄罗斯民歌。
     在《火鸟》这部作品中,斯特拉文斯基以创造、开拓的气势,吸收了刚刚诞生的印象派的音乐手法,使作品的神幻魔怪的氛围于逼真动人的同时,浸透了新世纪新 音乐的新色彩。更令人瞩目的是,作曲家的音乐仍植根于俄罗斯音乐学派的深厚的土壤之中,处处显露出浓郁的民族风格与气派。

Igor Stravinsky - The Firebird 2003

Country of origin: Canada
Genre: Balet
Duration: 00:52:51
Language English
Subtitles: None
Choreographer: James Kudelka (James Koudelka)
Conductor: Valery Gergiev (Valery Gergiev)
Greta Hodgkinson (Greta Hodgkinson) - Firebird (Firebird)
Aleksandar Antonijevic (Alexander Antonievich) - Prince Ivan (Ivan Tsarevich)
Rebekah Rimsay (Rebecca Rimsey) - Princess Vasilisa (Vasilisa the Beautiful)
Rex Harrington (Rex Harrington) - Kastchei (Kashchei Immortal)
Victoria Bertram (Bertram Victoria) - Kastchei's Wife (Wife Kashchei)
The Kirov Orchestr (Kirov Opera Orchestra), National Ballet of Canada (National Ballet of Canada)
Description: Darkly enchanted kingdom Kashchei. From a distance, approaching Black Rider - Night. In the twilight looms magic castle, surrounded by a garden with reserved by a high wall. With the dawn light in the garden mysterious light magical golden apples and appears Firebird. It swirls around the wonderful apple without noticing Prince Ivan, who sneaked over the wall. Ivan Tsarevich catches Firebird. She is torn, but the prince is holding her tightly. Then Firebird proceeds from the fight to the pleas and Prince Ivan is inferior.
Firebird departs, leaving in the hands of his three young men of the pen, and the vicious Kashchei towers overlook the garden of his prisoner-princess. Princess play around apple and Hidden Prince grabs one of them. The princess tells him that the evil Kashchei kidnapped her from her home and keeps a prisoner here. Prince Ivan decides to release the captives fine.
White Rider - Morning - already passed by the garden. Very light, princess, obedient to the will of Kashchei, hid in the mansion. Appears Kashchei, which are under the hand of his servants. It moves directly to the prince, who is facing the fate of all who dared to break the boundaries of Kashcheeva garden: it will turn to stone. At the last moment Prince Ivan remembers the magical Firebird feathers. And here it is already there. Meanwhile Prince has produced an egg, which lies Kashchei death, and smashes him Kashchei falls dead. Garden illuminated light magic, free the princess, heroes come to life and facing into stones. Firebird provides a hand liberator.
This formulation combines classical ballet with magical visual effects.

original description

The Firebird is an exciting one-hour dance special based on the mystical Russian folk tale of enchantment and love, and is set to Stravinsky’s fantastical ballet score. This adaption of James Kudelka’s masterpiece for the stage, combines classical ballet with magical visual effects.
The Firebird is an exciting one-hour dance special based on the mystical Russian folk tale of enchantment and love, and is set to Stravinsky’s fantastical ballet score. This adaption of James Kudelka’s masterpiece for the stage, combines classical ballet with magical visual effects. Kudelka’s choreography is by turns elegant, virtuosic but always passionate and musically evocative.The Firebird features the top dancers from the internationally renowned National Ballet of Canada and the soloists, including the great Greta Hodgkinson (nominated for the Prix Benois de la Danse in 2000) in the title role, Aleksandar Antonijevic as Prince Ivan, Rebekah Rimsay as Princess Vasilisa, and the unforgettable Rex Harrington as Kastchei the Demon. Music performed by The Kirov Orchestra, conducted by Valery Gergiev.

Ballet music

Ballet music - bright colorful, full of orchestral effects, even though written in the tradition of Rimsky-Korsakov, already bears the imprint of the unique personality of the author. Nightfall "creeping" sound Accession draw Enchanted Garden Kashchei his evil kingdom. "Place Firebird" fantastic, bizarre, with inventive variable colorful orchestration. In a slow, feminine "Runaround princesses" Stravinsky uses the Russian folk song "In Sadiku". Musical flavor reminiscent of here "Enchanted Lake" Liadov with his finest tone-painting. "Trash dance Kashcheeva kingdom" - a sinister, like a lifeless dance, colorful, full of rhythmic sharp cutaways, the performance of wild elemental forces and pulsing for most rooms.

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