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    分类:电影 类型:

    年代:2002 地区:欧美

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:BDMV 编码:VC-1

    容量:20.34GB 字幕:中字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:115-004 人气:12 更新日期: 2017-02-13



◎片  名 Derailed
◎译  名 危险任务/生化总动员/越轨追击/脱轨追击
◎年  代 2002
◎国  家 美国
◎类  别 动作/惊悚
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期  2002-05-19
◎IMDB评分  3.9/10 from 6245 users
◎IMDB链接  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0298296
◎片  长 89分钟
◎导  演 鲍勃·米西奥罗斯基 Bob Misiorowski
◎编  剧  博兹·大卫逊   Boaz Davidson
           亚当·吉尔拉什 Adam Gierasch
           Jace Anderson
◎主  演  尚格·云顿     Jean-Claude Van Damme
           劳拉·哈灵     Laura Harring
           露西·珍纳     Lucy Jenner
           戴顿·凯利     Dayton Callie
           吉米·让-路易斯 Jimmy Jean-Louis

◎简    介

  克里斯托弗(尚格·云顿)是一名特务,这回被派遣到别国去负责将一名女贼安全护送出国。这名女贼葛丽娜(劳拉·哈灵)专偷高科技产品,这回偷到的是装 有三根变种天花的生化试剂,相当危险。两人搭上横越东欧火车,又跟他人换了车厢,克里斯托弗骗妻子是和公司同事出差,不料他妻子却带着儿女来,想给他一个 意外生日惊喜却发现葛丽娜在车厢里,愤而离去。在此同时,恐怖份子劫持了整部列车,将所有乘客集中到列车酒吧,他们的目的就是葛丽娜窃取而来的生物武器。 在夺取过程中,一根试剂不慎破裂,造成全车厢旅客遭受感染,克里斯托弗的妻子是名医生,利用专业知识照顾乘客病情,其中也包括自己的儿女。克里斯托弗并未 被恐怖份子发现,因此不断以打游击方式将恐怖份子一个个解决掉。当列车失控,逐渐驶向市区,政府当局为免生化感染灾情扩大,便派出战机守候在桥墩上空,一 旦列车抵达桥上时,便将列车击毁。因此克里斯托弗在解决敌人的同时,还得想办法将列车实时停下来……NATO


operative Jacques Kristoff is summoned into action, on his birthday, to track down Galina Konstantin, who has scampered off with an extremely valuable and dangerous top-secret cargo. Finding Galina doesn't take long, and Jacques must wrap up the mission by returning Galina and the contraband to his superiors by train. Jacques's physician wife Madeline isn't happy about this turn of events. But she sees him off at the train station with the couple's teenage daughter Bailey Kristoff and son Ethan Kristoff. Galina's ill-gotten gain is three vials of SP-43, an ultra-virulent strain of smallpox, cultured in fluorescent green serum that contains several other pathogens. A group of terrorists, led by Mason Cole, intend to hijack the train and steal the virus for their own ends. But standing in their way is Jacques. The virus ends up getting loose in the train's ventilation system. Unfortunately, Jacques's family picked this moment to surprise him for his birthday by secretly tagging along for the ride. Jacques becomes a one-man army as he fights to protect his family and the other passengers, and stop Cole and his followers


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