Title: Made in America
Released: 2013
Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Ron Howard
Cast: Rita Ora, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Jill Scott, Eddie Vedder, Janelle Monet, Tyler The Creator, Gary Clark ml., Skrillex, Joseph Simmons
The plot of the film:
A celebration of both the unifying power of music and pursuit of the American dream, Made in America is an all-access backstage pass to the one-of-a-kind festival created by rap superstar Jay Z, and directed by Academy Award® winner Ron Howard. Featuring remarkable performances and fascinating backstage interviews with many of todays biggest music stars, Made in America shows how one giant celebration of music can change peoples lives.
Released: 2013
Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Ron Howard
Cast: Rita Ora, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Jill Scott, Eddie Vedder, Janelle Monet, Tyler The Creator, Gary Clark ml., Skrillex, Joseph Simmons
The plot of the film:
A celebration of both the unifying power of music and pursuit of the American dream, Made in America is an all-access backstage pass to the one-of-a-kind festival created by rap superstar Jay Z, and directed by Academy Award® winner Ron Howard. Featuring remarkable performances and fascinating backstage interviews with many of todays biggest music stars, Made in America shows how one giant celebration of music can change peoples lives.