Title : The Velvet Underground: The Velvet Underground & Nico
Year: 1967
Genre : Psychedelic Rock, Art Rock, Protopunk
The Velvet Underground & Nico - the debut album of the American band The Velvet Underground Nico , with the participation of the singer , one of the most important albums in the history of rock music , which has had a tremendous impact on its subsequent development (especially on alternative rock ) . Recorded in the U.S. in three different studios throughout 1966 for multimediashou Andy Warhol Exploding Plastic Inevitable; most of the sessions held at Scepter Studios in New York in April. Album released in 1967, the label Verve Records. Album gained notoriety through innovative musical group moves , as well as by focusing on the dark lyrics atypical for the 1960s with themes such as drug addiction, prostitution , sadism , masochism and sexual deviation .
Despite the commercial failure , the album has since become a cult and had been recognized as one of the most influential albums in rock music history , taking 13th place in the list of " 500 Greatest Albums of All Time magazine Rolling Stone». In 2006, the album was made in the register «National Recording Registry» U.S. , for which selected the most significant record for the country.
Tracklist :
01. Sunday Morning
02. Im Waiting For The Man
03. Femme Fatale
04. Venus In Furs
05. Run Run Run
06. All Tomorrows Parties
07. Heroin
08. There She Goes Again
09. Ill Be Your Mirror
10 . Black Angels Death Song
11. European Son
Issued: USA | Universal Music
Duration: 00:48:58
Year: 1967
Genre : Psychedelic Rock, Art Rock, Protopunk
The Velvet Underground & Nico - the debut album of the American band The Velvet Underground Nico , with the participation of the singer , one of the most important albums in the history of rock music , which has had a tremendous impact on its subsequent development (especially on alternative rock ) . Recorded in the U.S. in three different studios throughout 1966 for multimediashou Andy Warhol Exploding Plastic Inevitable; most of the sessions held at Scepter Studios in New York in April. Album released in 1967, the label Verve Records. Album gained notoriety through innovative musical group moves , as well as by focusing on the dark lyrics atypical for the 1960s with themes such as drug addiction, prostitution , sadism , masochism and sexual deviation .
Despite the commercial failure , the album has since become a cult and had been recognized as one of the most influential albums in rock music history , taking 13th place in the list of " 500 Greatest Albums of All Time magazine Rolling Stone». In 2006, the album was made in the register «National Recording Registry» U.S. , for which selected the most significant record for the country.
Tracklist :
01. Sunday Morning
02. Im Waiting For The Man
03. Femme Fatale
04. Venus In Furs
05. Run Run Run
06. All Tomorrows Parties
07. Heroin
08. There She Goes Again
09. Ill Be Your Mirror
10 . Black Angels Death Song
11. European Son
Issued: USA | Universal Music
Duration: 00:48:58