16岁的印地安纳州女孩儿Hazel(谢琳·伍德蕾 Shailene Woodley饰演)患有肺癌,最近病情似乎有所缓解,但对于这样的奇迹她并没有感到特别高兴,因为她还是得不断接受治疗,而每次的诊疗都仿佛在刻印着她生命最后的篇章。直到她青少年癌友互助会认识了同样身患骨癌的男孩Augustus(安塞尔·埃尔格特Ansel Elgort饰演),她的人生于是开启了新的扉页……
电影根据John Green同名小说改编而来,名字取自莎士比亚的剧作《凯撒大帝》里的一句话:The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.原作为纽约时报畅销书,曾被美国时代周刊评为2012年虚构类十佳书籍第一名。以下为时代周刊介绍Hazel and her boyfriend Augustus are in love.They also have cancer,which means they have to face up to the prospect of death on a daily basis,this is one of the most genuine and moving love stories in recent American fiction,literary or otherwise,and an existential tragedy of towering intelligence,sadness and integrity.
16岁的印地安纳州女孩儿Hazel(谢琳·伍德蕾 Shailene Woodley饰演)患有肺癌,最近病情似乎有所缓解,但对于这样的奇迹她并没有感到特别高兴,因为她还是得不断接受治疗,而每次的诊疗都仿佛在刻印着她生命最后的篇章。直到她青少年癌友互助会认识了同样身患骨癌的男孩Augustus(安塞尔·埃尔格特Ansel Elgort饰演),她的人生于是开启了新的扉页……
电影根据John Green同名小说改编而来,名字取自莎士比亚的剧作《凯撒大帝》里的一句话:The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.原作为纽约时报畅销书,曾被美国时代周刊评为2012年虚构类十佳书籍第一名。以下为时代周刊介绍Hazel and her boyfriend Augustus are in love.They also have cancer,which means they have to face up to the prospect of death on a daily basis,this is one of the most genuine and moving love stories in recent American fiction,literary or otherwise,and an existential tragedy of towering intelligence,sadness and integrity.