Title: Torbjorn Dyrud: Out of Darkness - The Passion And Ressurection Of Jesus Christ
Year: 2012
Genre: Choral, Classical
Conductor: Vivianne Sydnes
Artist: Geir Morten Øien (trumpet), Erlend Aagaard Nilsen (trumpet), Lars Sitter (percussion), Sarah Head (readings), Nidaros Cathedral Choir
Issued: Norway | 2L
Duration: 00:55:30
Audio Formats
DTS-HD MA 5.1 (192 kHz / 12374 kbps / 24-bit)
LPCM 2.0 (192 kHz / 9216 kbps / 24-bit)
Torbjørn Dyruds work OUT OF DARKNESS presents you with the most famous story of Christian culture - Christs passion, death and resurrection - in a form you have never heard before. Allow yourself to be moved by Nidaros Cathedral Choir, Sarah Head and the musicians in their presentation of Dyruds dramatic music. The work is not a passion in the traditional sense, since it does not end with Christs death. Out of Darkness continues through the kingdom of death and out of the grave, leaving us with the gospel of love that overcomes and endures everything, a gospel of grace and forgiveness. Life is the light of mankind, and we can rise out of the darkness.
Nidaros Cathedral Choir was started in 1946 and consists today of about 40 singers. The choir regularly contributes to church services at Nidaros Cathedral and has established itself as a major player in the musical life of the city of Trondheim. In the course of Vivianne Sydness ten years as artistic director, the choir has commissioned and performed a number of works by both young and established composers, among them Ståle Kleiberg, Henning Sommerro, Torbjørn Dyrud and Wolfgang Plagge. In 2010 the choir released their album NIDAROS which included samples from these works. In 2010 Nidaros Cathedral Choir premiered Torbjørn Dyruds passion music "Out of Darkness" in a scenographic performance in the cathedral.
Conductor Vivianne Sydnes was educated as an organist and choirmaster at the Norwegian Academy of Music and has a diploma in conducting from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. She was Director of Music at Nidaros Cathedral 2002-2012. Recording this work was one of the last projects under her leadership during her time in Trondheim. Since 2011 Sydnes has been associate professor of choral conducting at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, and she is the musical director of NOVA Chamber Choir.
Composer Torbjørn Dyrud was educated as an organist and choirmaster at the Norwegian Academy of Music, with a subsequent diploma in choral conducting from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. He has also studied composition and improvisation.
01. In the beginning (Prologue)
02. First reading
03. In the garden of Gethsemane - They went to a plcae called Gethsemane (1. scene)
04. Tristis
05. Interlude 1
06. Then he returned to the disciples - Second Reading
07. In the Chied Priests house - We heard him say (2. scene)
08. Third reading
09. Before Pilate - Then the whole assembly rose (3. scene)
10. Interlude 2
11. Interrogation - Fourth reading
12. When Pilate saw
13. Along the way of sorrow - Crucified - Fifth reading (4. scene)
14. As they led him away
15. Women who mourned and wailed for him
16. Interlude 3
17. Golgotha, the place of the scull - Crucified 2 (5. scene)
18. We are going up to Jerusalem - Sixth reading
19. My God, my God (6. scene)
20. Das Blümelein so kleine
21. Outside the tomb - Seventh reading (7. scene)
22. But Mary stood outside the tomb crying
23. I have seen the Lord
24. By the sea of Tiberias - This is my body - Eighth reading (Epilogue)
Year: 2012
Genre: Choral, Classical
Conductor: Vivianne Sydnes
Artist: Geir Morten Øien (trumpet), Erlend Aagaard Nilsen (trumpet), Lars Sitter (percussion), Sarah Head (readings), Nidaros Cathedral Choir
Issued: Norway | 2L
Duration: 00:55:30
Audio Formats
DTS-HD MA 5.1 (192 kHz / 12374 kbps / 24-bit)
LPCM 2.0 (192 kHz / 9216 kbps / 24-bit)
Torbjørn Dyruds work OUT OF DARKNESS presents you with the most famous story of Christian culture - Christs passion, death and resurrection - in a form you have never heard before. Allow yourself to be moved by Nidaros Cathedral Choir, Sarah Head and the musicians in their presentation of Dyruds dramatic music. The work is not a passion in the traditional sense, since it does not end with Christs death. Out of Darkness continues through the kingdom of death and out of the grave, leaving us with the gospel of love that overcomes and endures everything, a gospel of grace and forgiveness. Life is the light of mankind, and we can rise out of the darkness.
Nidaros Cathedral Choir was started in 1946 and consists today of about 40 singers. The choir regularly contributes to church services at Nidaros Cathedral and has established itself as a major player in the musical life of the city of Trondheim. In the course of Vivianne Sydness ten years as artistic director, the choir has commissioned and performed a number of works by both young and established composers, among them Ståle Kleiberg, Henning Sommerro, Torbjørn Dyrud and Wolfgang Plagge. In 2010 the choir released their album NIDAROS which included samples from these works. In 2010 Nidaros Cathedral Choir premiered Torbjørn Dyruds passion music "Out of Darkness" in a scenographic performance in the cathedral.
Conductor Vivianne Sydnes was educated as an organist and choirmaster at the Norwegian Academy of Music and has a diploma in conducting from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. She was Director of Music at Nidaros Cathedral 2002-2012. Recording this work was one of the last projects under her leadership during her time in Trondheim. Since 2011 Sydnes has been associate professor of choral conducting at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, and she is the musical director of NOVA Chamber Choir.
Composer Torbjørn Dyrud was educated as an organist and choirmaster at the Norwegian Academy of Music, with a subsequent diploma in choral conducting from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. He has also studied composition and improvisation.
01. In the beginning (Prologue)
02. First reading
03. In the garden of Gethsemane - They went to a plcae called Gethsemane (1. scene)
04. Tristis
05. Interlude 1
06. Then he returned to the disciples - Second Reading
07. In the Chied Priests house - We heard him say (2. scene)
08. Third reading
09. Before Pilate - Then the whole assembly rose (3. scene)
10. Interlude 2
11. Interrogation - Fourth reading
12. When Pilate saw
13. Along the way of sorrow - Crucified - Fifth reading (4. scene)
14. As they led him away
15. Women who mourned and wailed for him
16. Interlude 3
17. Golgotha, the place of the scull - Crucified 2 (5. scene)
18. We are going up to Jerusalem - Sixth reading
19. My God, my God (6. scene)
20. Das Blümelein so kleine
21. Outside the tomb - Seventh reading (7. scene)
22. But Mary stood outside the tomb crying
23. I have seen the Lord
24. By the sea of Tiberias - This is my body - Eighth reading (Epilogue)