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  • 格林德本歌剧院歌剧:朱利奥·凯撒 George Frideric Handel:Giulio Cesare Glyndebourne Opera 加入选片库


    George Frideric Handel:Giulio Cesare Glyndebourne Opera

    分类:MV&演唱会 类型:

    年代:2009 地区:欧美

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:BDAV 编码:0

    容量:82.37GB 字幕:无字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:83-60 人气:2 更新日期: 2014-08-30



The original title: George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) - Giulio Cesare
Outpu: 2009
Genre: Classical, Opera, Baroque
Performers:Sarah Connolly (Cesare); Angelika Kirchschlager (Sesto); Danielle de Niese (Cleopatra); Christophe Dumaux (Tolomeo); Patricia Bardon (Cornelia); Christopher Maltman (Achilla); Glyndebourne Chorus; Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment; William Christie
• David McVicars production of Giulio Cesare manages to combine serious insight with entertainment, bringing Handels masterpiece to life in a powerful, convincing and highly intelligent way. In every line of the complex narrative the subtle nuances are apparent, reflecting perfectly the transparent and exquisite nature of Handels musical expression. Filmed in High Definition and recorded in true surround sound, the outstanding singing of the all-star cast, led by a superb Sarah Connolly, and the vivid playing of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment under the energising baton of William Christie reveal the colour and dramatic character of Handels music in a most delightful manner.

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