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  • 2L蓝光音乐:遥远的银河 2L - REMOTE GALAXY 加入选片库



    分类:MV&演唱会 类型:

    年代:2012 地区:欧美

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:BDAV 编码:0

    容量:22.9GB 字幕:无字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:83-46 人气:5 更新日期: 2014-08-30



Can the dualism of life, nature and art be expressed in pure music? This is the question the multi-talented composer Flint Juventino Beppe – formerly known as Fred Jonny Berg – has set out to answer. The album Remote Galaxy is a journey in time and space, a journey given meaning by the albums music and philosophy. The music is uncompromisingly honest, with a genuine power of its own. Using well-known acoustic technology, the composer takes us to some unusual and, for most of us, unknown places.
Remote Galaxy continues the journey of 2Ls Grammy nominated album Flute Mystery, and again the Philharmonia Orchestra is conducted by Vladimir Ashkenazy to interpret these adventurous scores. The composers deep spiritual interest in nature, philosophy and space is as central in the universe of Remote Galaxy as it was in Flute Mystery. Beppes music leaves a unique fingerprint in the artistic world: there is quite simply nothing like it.
The individual and inventive nature of his orchestral works demands a rich palette of instruments and an extended use of woodwinds, brass and organ. As solo instruments, the intense but delicate sound of the clarinet, the scope of the flutes range of expression and the special characteristics of the rarely used viola da gamba make for an inimitable atmosphere captured in 2Ls innovative surround sound technology. With the introduction of height channels, acoustic reflections create a natural sound presence originating from both around and above the
listener. The Auro-3D format on this Pure Audio Blu-ray features sound reproduction that is more realistic than anything youve heard before. It delivers a new standard in immersion, fully enveloping the audience in a cocoon of life-like audio.
The whole spectrum of Beppes musical philosophy is mirrored in his works: "Its really as simple as it is complicated – I breathe in what life has to offer, and breathe out what I have to offer life. I have given up trying to grasp what actually happens in the process from impression to expression." Beppe is diagnosed with Tourettes and Aspergers syndromes, and his approach to life is self-reflective and as uncompromising as his music: "When I take a look at the mountains or the sky, I realize I cannot spend my time on anything but grandness. Its that or nothing."

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