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  • 最终幻想X:原声大碟 FINAL FANTASY X HD Remaster Original Soundtrack 加入选片库


    FINAL FANTASY X HD Remaster Original Soundtrack

    分类:MV&演唱会 类型:

    年代:2013 地区:欧美

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:BDAV 编码:0

    容量:44.66GB 字幕:无字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:74-34 人气:2 更新日期: 2014-03-10



Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary
Ahead of the games release on Playstation, Square Enix is releasing the soundtrack for Final Fantasy X HD. The soundtrack feature the score composed and arranged by Uematsu Nobuo. The Blu-ray disc version of Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Original Soundtrack features the games epic score.
01. Listen to My Story
02. To Zanarkand
03. Prelude
04. Tiduss Theme
05. Otherworld
06. Run!!
07. This Is Your Story
08. Creep
09. Battle Theme
10. Victory Fanfare
11. Game Over
12. Out of the Frying Pan
13. Leap in the Dark
14. Underwater Ruins
15. Oui Are Al Bhed
16. Enemy Attack
17. The Blitzers
18. Besaid
19. Spira Unplugged
20. Hum of the Fayth
21. Phantoms
22. The Trials
23. Hymn - Valefor
24. The Summoning
25. Braskas Daughter
26. Goodnight
27. Yunas Theme
28. Movement in Green
29. The Sending
30. Calm Before the Storm
31. Hymn - Ifrit
32. Luca
33. Grand Maester Mika
34. Decision on the Dock
35. The Splendid Performance
36. Face-Off
37. Blitz Off!
38. Aurons Theme
39. Miihen Highroad
40. Chocobo Jam
41. The Travel Agency
42. They May Pass
43. Seymours Theme
44. Twilight
45. Djose Temple
46. Hymn - Ixion
47. Ridess The Shoopuf?
48. Rikkus Theme
49. Guadosalam
50. Thunder Plains
51. Jechts Theme
52. Macalania Woods
53. The Void
54. The Temple Players
55. Seymours Ambition
56. Hymn - Shiva
57. Pursuit
58. The Burning Sands
59. Peril
60. The Truth Revealed
61. Launch
62. The Wedding
63. Assault
64. Tragedy
65. Believe
66. Via Purifico
67. Hymn - Bahamut
68. Moment of Truth
69. Patricide
70. Suteki Da Ne (Isnt It Wonderful ?)
71. Yunas Decision
72. Lulus Theme
73. Bravely Forward
74. Hymn - Yojimbo
75. Servants of the Mountain
76. Hymn - The Ronso
77. Wandering
78. A Fleeting Dream
79. Hymn - Yunalesca
80. Challenge
81. Beyond the Darkness
82. Gloom
83. Hymn - Spira
84. The Unsent Laugh
85. Fight With Seymour
86. Hymn - Anima
87. A Contest of Aeons
88. Final Battle
89. Ending Theme
90. Never Forget Them
91. Suteki Da Ne (Isnt It Wonderful ?) Orchestra Version
92. OMAKE 1
93. OMAKE 2
94. OMAKE 3
Bonus tracks from Final Fantasy X-2 Original Soundtrack
95. Kuon -Memories of Waves and Light-
96. YuRiPa, Fight! No.1
97. YuRiPa, Fight! No.3
98. "Let me blow you a kiss."
99. Besaid
100. The Youth League
101. Yunas Ballad
102. The Farplane Abyss
103. Vegnagun Awakens
104. Epilogue -A Reunion-

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